perjantai 11. syyskuuta 2015

Puus ja mehäs - Up a tree and in the woods


Ei löytynt kylält tännää kotimaista sellerii eikä palsternakkaa, nii jot jätin lanttu kakkose varttumaa tulevii juurikastoimituksii elikkäs alkuviikkoo. Kiipesin sen siijjaa luumupuuhu. Tai vissikii tää on kriikuna oikeest. Viistoist litraa (tähä sellane kauhistunt hymiö).

I checked the stores at the village today, and there was no celery or parsnip from Finland available. I refuse to buy this kind of cheap vegetables from Europe - they DO grow here, without any additional energy, so it's really stupid to haul them from abroad. So, I'm waiting for deliveries on Monday, until then the glorious rutabaga is safe. There's no point in dehydrating it by itself either because the dehydrator would not be full. So instead I climbed the plum tree (well, I suppose they're damsons, really) and got a whopping 15 litres. (Insert an astonished, nearly frightened smiley here).



Sit sen jälkee lähettii käymää mehäs, ko suvuvanhin tykkää puolukast. Mie en ite ossaa sitä oikei arvostaa, mut kerrään mieluust muile ja vähä vajjaa marjaämpäri keräsi vähäs ajas huomen toimitettavaks. Mehtävahtikaver ol turvana, karhujahti on männeillää joskaa viel ei taija olla montaa kaatoo, nii jot turvaa pittää olla. Sekkää ei kyl syö puolukkaa, mut mustikkaa vetel sujuvast ussiimma litra..

Ite asjas tännää osuin suvuvanhimma kerrostalos hissii setän kans, hää ol just tulos karhujahis assee kans, nii jot sain jahtikuulumist päivitettyy. Viksui ovat karhut, jallittaat nii koirii ko mehästäjätkii, mut senhä suomalaist on tienneet ain jot ei ole tyhmä elukka se. Ja se jos mikä on nimeommaa koirast kii ja paljo - tää miu kaver, karhukoira vaik onkii, ei oo millokaa osallistunt karhujahtii. Eikä miu puolest kyl osallistukkaa. Muutama hirvi sil on listal ja se on iha tarpeeks.

Nii, petohavaintokanna mukkaa on muute ilveksetkii taas liikkeel iha tuos naapuris, emo ja kaks pentuu. Ilmaks koirat on pitäneet metelii viime aikoin.

We decided to go to the forest for a while, grandma likes lingonberries and I like to pick them although I personally have not learned to appreciate the taste. Got nearly 5 liters in a short while. We means myself and my security guard, seen in the picture eating blueberries - she doesn't appreciate lingonberries either. The bear hunting season is on, so it's wise to have the dog with you in the woods.

This morning I visited grandma and at her house held the elevator door to a gentleman who was just returning from a bear hunt with his rifle, so I got fresh hunting news (no kills so far) while riding the elevator with him. He said the bears seem to outsmart everyone this year, dogs and hunters alike. The Finns have always respected the intelligence and strength of the bear so in that sense it's nothing new, and bear hunting more than any other hunting method depends of the quality of the hunting dog. My pal here, though she is a Karelian bear dog, has never been tested for bear, nor will she be. She's got a few elks on her achievement list and it's quite enough for me.

I also checked the sightings database and learned that there are lynxes on the move in the neighbourhood, a female with two cubs. No wonder the dogs have been barking like mad lately.

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