....it's raining!

Näi nättii ol tännää iltavuorost ajelles.
Look how pretty it was today when I was driving home from the evening shift.

Jotakii sentää tulloo kasvimaalt. Lehtikaalsato tulloo olemaa runsas. Härkäpappuu ei paljo oltkaa, pottuu viel muutamaa ruokaa ja pensaspappuu tulloo sitäkii määrääse nähe iha hyvi.
There's something in the garden at least. Kale is plentiful, there are potatoes for a few meals left, and the beans did quite well considering I didn't plant that much.

Sit ol ne Perseidit. Nii. Mie varustauvuin ja käin kahtomas mite hienost taivas ol pilves ja tulin sisäle.
The Perseids were peaking a while ago. I got all prepped and went to see how nicely clouded the sky was and came back inside.

Mehhuu keittelin.
Steamed some currant juice.

Sit oon jakant puteleita sinne tänne ko parempkii trokari.
Been delivering bottles here and there like a bootlegger.
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