Kekri, also known as Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows' Eve or All Saints' Eve. In Karelia it's always been Kekri. Nowadays we have a lot of Halloween stuff in the stores, dress-ups and so on - whatever floats your boat, I say. For me Kekri means remembering the dead and eating well ('cos that's how we Karelians roll, duh.)

Kissoi on ennää neljä. Tää kuvasoleva mänetti pitkäaikasen kaveriisa, muihe kans se ei oikei viihykkää, nii jot on olt sit mius kiine jonkii aikaa. Silitellää ja toivutaa surust. Tää on myöskii se täysvilli navettakissa, mihi ei olt ihmiskäs koskent enneks se pelastettii meile. Kesyyntymine kest melko tarkkaa puoltoist vuotta. Syllii ei anna ottaa vieläkää, mut vieree tulloo omil ehoillaa.
We now have four cats left. This one lost her companion and has some beef with the other cats so she's been hanging out with me for some time now. We cuddle and recover from grief. This is the totally wild barn cat which hadn't been touched by humans before she was rescued and brought to me. It took just about one and a half years to tame her - or rather, for her to accept people as tolerable. She still doesn't allow being picked up but comes to cuddle with me, on her own terms.

Nii se lumi mikä tul, se män jo ja nyt tul vähä lissää. Jokkuu ol kehittänt sellase termin ko Sylvi, syys-talvi-yhistelmä, miust se on hauska nimi tälle vaiheele ko ei oo oikei mikkää vuuveaika.
The snow that came went just as fast and now we got some more. Someone in Finland had invented a word for this autum-winter phase, from the Finnish words syksy-talvi -> Sylvi. It's also a woman's name as you probably guessed. I like it, it's a fun way to describe this I-don't-know-what-season-it-is-time of year.

Miul on tää viikko lommaa kirjastost ni mitä mie tein ekan virallisen lomapäivän, no käin kirjastos. Nää on Marjaana Tykkyläise tekemii ja tehtii häne kans diili jot tuun ja ostan nää KAIK het ko voitan lotos. Hää lupas pittää peukkuloi jot voitto tulis. Tää alemp on muuteksee lohis, ko sil on neljä jalkaa. Jos niitä ois kaks, se ois wyvern. Iha vaa jot tiijättä jos vastaa sattuu tulemaa.
I'm on holiday from the library this week so naturally on the first official holiday day I visited the library. Good thing that I did, otherwise I'd have missed this exhibition. These are by Marjaana Tykkyläinen. I bumped into her as she was removing the sculptures and we made a deal: as soon as I win the lottery, I'll buy all her animal sculptures. This is a dragon by the way, as it has four legs. If it had two it would be a wyvern.

Ja sit kottii ja syyshommii elikkäs laitoin aurauskepit ja käin kaivelemas artisokat ylös. Ja koht ruuvalaittoo.
Then home, setting up the snow plough markers and digging up sunroots. Next, food.