Miehä en oo muuta kerint ko töitä ja kirjoi. Nii ja syksyhommii.
I haven't had time for anything else than work and books. And some autumn chores.
Huber, Florian: Lupaathan tappaa itsesi
Jaatinen, Eila: Äläkä sure, Sakari
Köngäs, Heidi: Hertta
Sund, Erik Axl: Varistyttö
Binet, Laurent: HHhH: Heydrichin salamurhan jäljillä
Ensimäine ei oo ilone kirja. Se kertoo epätoivost kolmanne valtakunna romahukse jälkee ko venäläiset marssiit Saksan halki ja saksalaisilt on mänt kaik toivo. Eikä oo toinekaa, sekkii kertoo itsemurhast. Kolmais ol hieno kertomus Hertta Kuusisest ja Yrjö Leinost, tää lähtöö siit kiistanalasest näkemyksest jot Leino ol vasikka. Jatkan täst Ville Suhose Ompelijattaree muuteksee, kertomus viimosest Suomes telotetust naisest eli ompelijatar Martta Koskisest. Aikakaus kiinnostaa ja Hertta, Hella Wuolijoki ja Koskine erityisest. Kolme kamala vaarallista naista olliit hyö ainakii Valpo mielest. Välis yks ruotsalaine trilleri mikä ei ehkä olt iha nii hyvä ko olin luult. Ja sit tuo viijeis peilaa hienost Terhi Rannelan Frauta, peilaa, täyventää ja jatkaa ja ol erinomaine miust kaiki puoli. Täl hetkel lainas on vissikii kaheksakyment kirjaa, nii jot pikkuhiljaa pikkuhiljaa, ja pari dvdtä viel pääle.
The first book tells a gruesome story about the total despair the Germans felt after the Reich collapsed and the Russians marched through the country. The suicide rates were astronomical. The next one is about suicide, too. (No need to get alarmed though - this is a mere coincidence.) Third one is about Hertta Kuusinen, a communist lady who was considered extremely dangerous in the 40s and jailed a couple of times, and her communist husband who allegedly was a double agent (there are two opinions on this). I am continuing with the era with Seamstress, which is a story of the last woman who was executed in Finland in the 40s, again for her communism and the huge threat she posed to the nation (slight hint of sarcasm here, perhaps, on my part). That era, with the war and the Russian and the Germans messing around in Finland and the communists and right-wing extremists is really insteresting and fortunately books about the time pop up every week, or so it seems. Then I read a Swedish thriller which was an ever-so-slight disappointment, yet creepy as... well. The fifth book is about the assassination of Heydrich, extremely good and it worked well with Terhi Rannela's Frau (about Lina Heydrich) which I read a little while back. At the moment I have some 80 books from the library (and some dvds too) so might take a while to finish them all - I'm trying, though.
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