A winter full of aches and pains and fatigue is finally behind. I doubled my medication to get some decent sleep to stay operational. Did not do much during the winter except for this jumper which I delivered to the person I had in mind while knitting it. It's +10 at the moment and I think it hasn't rained once today, which is nice.

Harrastuksii on kuulunt myös kodinkoneihe korjailu, tännää ol vuoros astianpesukone, hää herkes toimimast mut vissikii myö saatii se elävöitettyy. Jääkaappi korjattii viime viikol. Tuo astiapesukonnee vesisysteemi olkii varsi mielenkiintone, ko en olt enne näht mite se pelittää.
Today we fixed the dishwasher and looks like it is working again. Last week the fridge was under repair. The water flow of the dishwasher was quite interesting to watch, hadn't seen it before.

Vapupäivän mei hoodiloile asettu nii järetö suru, ettei siit varmast selvitä millokaa, jos opitaa sen kans jotekii elämää ni siin on tavotetta tarpeeks ja sekkii tuntuu täl hetkel aika mahottomalt. Kaik tuntuu varsi turhale ja mukavii ihmisii tragedia nii kamala epäreilule et hankala on tavottaa elämäsyrjäst uuvestaa kiine. En tiijä. Päivä kerrallaa vissikii.
But then.
On May Day a grief settled upon the neighbourhood, a grief so severe it will probably stay here forever. If we somehow learn to live with it, that is enough but even that seems really impossible at the moment. The purpose of life seems to have vanished. It is so unfair that such a tragedy happens to nice people. It is very difficult to get a hold of life again after something like this has happened. I don't know how. Just taking one day at a time, I guess.
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