French for "I am tired". I LOLled when the sentence appeared the first time, I was like "how could you know that?" At the moment I'm refreshing my German, learning beginner's French, refreshing/learning Swahili but I'm also going to add Spanish, Estonian and (refreshing) Swedish to the mix. So far the different languages have stayed on their designated spots in my head, a bit of a surprise really, considering all that is going on there. And then I've got the audio books - I picked the Harry Potter series after the Egyptian. I can really recommend both Duolingo and Memrise, learning languages has never been this fun before. And on the Memrise side I might have just added some artsy courses as well, some music, astronomy, loads of history and literature (well, duh, since it was there). Both platforms are free, by the way. Some of the Duolingo sentences are downright hilarious too, there's actually a whole Twitter account for them.
Sit ko ei oo sillee mittää tekemistä oikei ikinä, ni aittelin kokkeilla tehä tuollasta huivii virkkaamal. Kiitoksii ohjeest!
And since I don't really have much to do like ever, I decided to crochet a scarf with skulls. Warm thanks for the pattern!

Tännää kuskailin sukkuu ja käin pesemäs yhe mato mikä otti suvuvanhinta pahast päähä kahvitahroinee. Jotakii sille tahrale ainakii tapahtu, ko kuivamaa levittäis en ennää iha varmaks osant sannoo mis se ol. Toivottavast haaltuu auringos loputkii pois. Suvuvanhi tyrkkäs sit mukkaa jääkaapist porkkanoita, ja miu pääs ko on suora linkki "porkkanat - kakku" mille ei mittää maha, ni sitähä sit tekemää. Samal uunil pizzaa tietyst, eihä sitä yhe ruuva takkee napsauteta sähköö pääle, terveisi ituhippi.
Today I was acting chauffeur for Grandma and washed a rug for her, she was annoyed with its coffee stain. Hopefully my hard rubbing got rid of it. She gave me some surplus carrots and since there's a strong link in my brain that says "carrots - cake" that's what I made with them. And again, as an eco hippie type, I made pizza too because I don't heat the oven for just one thing.
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