I still get a nice bowl of strawberries daily. When I go outside to pick them, or to the woods, or to do anything, I'm accompanied by The Egyptian, audiobook version. He's worked with me all summer and I quite enjoy his company, I had totally forgotten what an extraordinary novel Waltari has written. But I'm running out of Sinuhe, the last chapters are underway, so I need to pick a follower for him. Waltari's Mikael Hakim (The Adventurer) is hanging around looking eager, but I'm not sure. Perhaps I'll listen to something else for a change.

Kesä ja kissaa väsyttää.
Summertime, and the cat is tired. (Would have rhymed with the original song better if I'd substituted the word cat with a two-syllable word, wouldn't it? But I'm trying to act like a well-educated lady, so.)

Kanttarellilöist tul mahtava pasta ai funghi, siihe män pien pala ostopossuu, ruokakerma ja spagetti sipul ja sienet olliit omast takkaa. Hyyvvää ol ja loput syötii sit illal leivä pääl, ko jäi just sen verra jot ei kehant pakastaakaa moista ripettä. Tein toisen päivän pyttipannuu, siihe ostin kaupast 1,99 euron pekonipaketin sekkaa, mut muute se ol ommaa pottuu ja sipulii. Tännää ommaa pottuu ja kastiketta. Nyt ko oma peruna on uutta ja hito maukasta, sitä pittää syyvä - talvel joutaa ostamaa sit kaupastkii jos omat loppuu. Ja niiko näkkyy, chiliä tulloo, tomaatit vielkii pittäät jännitykses ja kesäkurppa ei hitto ees kuki. Mut herneepalkoo alkaa näkkyy, viimosel. Ja sannoit jot se kesä tulis niiko täl viikol, ni jos sit vaik alkas tulla ruokaa maalt enempikkii.
Mut mustika kuivaus, ei oo miu hommaa. Ei miu sielu siiä kuunnella kuivuri loputonta hörinää, ko ei kuivu ni ei kuivu. Mut mansikoist tul kuivattun hyyvvii.
The chanterelles ended up in pasta ai funghi. I chopped a bit of pork, fried it, added some onions from the garden, then the mushrooms and cream, flavoured with garlic, chili, salt and black pepper. It was delicious and the leftovers were just enough for a late evening snack, I just spread the sauce on slices of bread and omnom. One day I made the traditional Swedish dish pytt i panna (yeah they get the credit for that, but meatballs and sauna? No way. They're ours.) with storebought bacon (1,99) and potatoes and onions from the garden. Today, potatoes and sauce. You see a pattern here? But the potatoes are fresh and delicious and they have a nutty taste and it's really wise to eat as much of them as possible now, when the peel hardens they're not the same anymore. Besides, potatoes are cheap, so it's not a disaster to buy them in the winter when the homegrown harvest has been eaten. There will be chilis, too, as the picture clearly states, the pea pods are growing, but the damn zucchini still isn't in bloom. And the tomatoes are scarce and orange. But hey, something grew anyway, even though the weather has been horrible. The weather forecast hints that the summer may happen this week, though, so I'm hoping for more food from the garden.
As for drying blueberries: never again. My zen cannot take it when the dehydrating takes days. The electricity consumption is not worth it. But the strawberries were tasty.
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