Eile ol ulkoleikkipäivä. Siirsi yhe koirakopi ja mätin puita ja sen sellasta. Sain myöskii luvettuu Katja Ketun Kätilön, ko daa, pithä se nyt lukkii. En tiijä. Lukemise jälkee tuntu jot kiel ol iha oma henkilööse koko tarinas, ja sit jälkeepäi luin jonkuu arvostelun mis sanottii vähä sammaa. Lisäks mietin jot onks tää ajalline siirtymine sinne tänne iha vaa tehokeino, vai onks täl jotakii merkitystäkkii tarinale. Mut olha se. Kannattaa lukkee jos ei pienest hätkähä, mut jos väkivalta, sota ja vankleireil tapahtuva toiminta on triggeri, ni ei kyl kannata. Nii jot hyvä ol jot luin, mut en voi sannoo jot oisin tykänt. Arvostan kyl. Nii jos jokkuu ei muista, ni
Lapin sota.
Ja näyttely Arktikumis, tulitikkuaskeinee. Miustha tää ol just oikii tapa markkinoija sitä, mut ilmeisest saivat aika nuivaa palautetta tulitikuist ja vissikii sit luopuit siit. Hö.
I played outside yesterday. I moved one of the doghouses and piled firewood, stuff like that. I also finished reading a novel, one of those everyone talks about, this one is The midwife by Katja Kettu (it's been translated or being translated into 11 different languages or so, English not (yet) one of them), a story of the desperate love affair between a Finnish midwife and a German SS-officer in Lapland during the war. See, the Soviets attacked Finland in 1939 while the other Allies had their eyes on Poland and continental Europe, which meant that as WWII dragged on, Finland and Germany were fighting the same enemy and German soldiers got this sudden urge of spending their holidays in Finland and lo and behold travel through to the north and mess around in Norway and Soviet Russia there and were treated more or less well here. When peace was declared, the Allies required Finland to evict the Germans from Lapland. The Germans did not like it one bit, they put their hands in their pockets and remembered they had matches and swoosh, all of Lapland was burned. (Well, not _all_ of it, but for instance Rovaniemi was torched quite deliberately and efficiently). Hence that matchbox - a museum in Lapland constructed
an exhibition about the
Lapland war and promoted it with matchboxes with the text "we were friends". I found this hilarious but unfortunately the feedback the museum got was less good so I think they dumped the idea.
Anyway, the novel - if it'll ever be translated to any language you speak, dear reader - is violent, strong, rough, vivid, and I'm not sorry I read it. I didn't like it, however. I might read it again one day and see if my reaction is different.
Nii jot tännää otin sit kevyttä keittiöpuuhailuu ohjelmaa. Tein sämpylöi, quichen, kaurakeksii ja kääretortu.
So today I decided to bake a bit. A cream roll, a quiche, oatmeal cookies and rolls.
Täl kertaa tul hito hyvät sämpylät. Näis on normaaliresepti lisäks täysjyvävehnää, pellavasiemenrouhetta, valkosipulii, oreganoo ja kuivattuu nokkosta. Melkei kaik män.
This time I added some whole grain wheat flour, ground linseed, garlic, oregano and dried nettles to the base recipe. We ate nearly all of them.