Mut tehhääs enis vähä hommii. Meil o talvi tulos, talvi usseest tietää lunta, joskii muutama viime talv on olt vähä sillee kiikukaaku sen suhtee. No kuitekii. Meil käyp maalimaparas tieauraaja, ja kylhä hää jo nää kennäät tuntoo, mut miul nyt vaa on tapa merkitä tiepielet syksyl (sitäpaitsiksee on kiva ajjaa pimmiil kottii ko heijastimet tuikkiit ajovalois.). Nii jot käin laittamas aurauskepit.
But first some work. Winter is coming, which usually means snow although the last few winters have been quite unreliable in that sense. Anyway. We have a deal with the best snow plough driver of the world, he comes and clears the road with his tractor (and most of the yard as well for which I am ever so grateful, somewhat challenged physically as I am.) He knows our yard and road like the back of his hand, but it's a habit of mine to do this every fall (besides, I like to drive home with the reflectors twinkling in the headlights, it's cosy.) So I went and put up the snow plough markers.

Sithä mie tulin sissää ja käinkii kokkaamaa. Pullaa tein ja quichen ja kaurakeksin.
Then I came inside and started cooking: a quiche, buns and an oatmeal cookie.

Tännää käin markkinois. Miul on kaks vakioo mitä ostan ain eikä rinkel oo kumpkaa, en oo millokaa rinkelist nii perustant. Mut Pajuniemi myyp hirvisalamii ja Artun koiratarvike possusaparoita, tietyst paljo muutakii tarpeellista koirile ja koiraihmisile mut täl kertaa ei nyt olt
Twice a year there's the village fair with sellers from around the country. The tradition is to buy a kringle from the fair but it's never been my cup of tea. I do however have two purchases every time: a small butcher shop sells different sausages and other processed meat, and they have these salamis - more like chorizos actually in size and taste - made of elk meat. They're delicious. So I got them and then some pigtails from my trusted dog supply vendor. They sew collars and leashes and whatever you need, but this time I didn't have
Eipä satuttu samaan aikaan markkinoita kiertelemään, harmi. Vaan aika vaisut olivat nämä syksyiset pilviset.
VastaaPoistaMeille matkaan kyllä pieni rinkeli, ei olla vielä maistettukaan ja voipi olla, että murustelen tipusille ainakin yli puolet, kas kun ei minunkaan suussani maistu tuo herkku - kakut kyllä ja leivokset ja suklaa ja... :)