Käytii laittamas sukulaisii mökkii talviteloile. Se ois tuo sylvi niiko kuvas, syys-talvi, sylvi. No, jokkuu tykkää tästäkii ja oon monest sanont jot se on hyvä se ni ei tuu sylvile sit paha miel.
We visited grandma's cottage to prepare it for the winter. Took a photo of what is nowadays known as "sylvi", combination of the Finnish words for autumn (syksy) and winter (talvi). Sylvi. There. I know there are people who love this time of year. Me, I'm not one of them.

Suomalaisii kohal puhutaa ain sisust. Mie väitän, jot se on justiisa sitä, ko on par marraskuuta kestänt ja jaksaa viel uskoo jot jokkuu kevätkii joskus viel tulloo. Siin ei ennää pienest lannistu sen jälkee.
This whole "sisu" thing we Finns have - I declare it thus: when you've survived a few Novembers in Finland and managed to keep believing that a) there is such thing as spring and summer and b) that this will pass and spring will return. You can then handle pretty much anything without giving up.

Mut ilosempii asjoi! Tännää ol postis paketti Gemellist vaik en oo mittää tilant. Noh, tällee on käynt joskus ennekii nii jot miu eppäilykset tiety Helmisuve suuntaa virisiit samatie. Ja näihä se ol, jot hää ol taas herkäl korvallaa kuult ko mie narisi miu pihtilöist ja mite ne on liia isot dragonscale tekkoo, ni eiks tää humu olt tilant miule sellaset! Mahoto ihmine! Nyt mie oon napsint lenkkii paikallee jot ei ku hutina käyp ja koht on ketju valmis. Nii jot kiitoksii Sushukkasele!
Today I got a packet in the mail, it was from the bead store Gemelli. Now, I indeed have not ordered a single thing from bead shops for ages (sorry, I will pick up my old shop-till-you-drop habits as soon as my financial status permits) but then again this has happened before, so I immediately suspected my dear friend Helmisusi to be behind this. And indeed she was. She had noticed my complaints about the pliers being too big for dragonscale so she ordered the right size for me. Can you imagine? I've been weaving away swiftly the whole day and the bracelet will soon be finished. Thanks, friend!
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