Mjoo. Eile ol vappaapäivä ko ol migreeni. Tännää vejeltii kolmise tuntii ja saatii viimevuotine kasvusto nuri, nyt ei ois ko tieyläpuol ennää, heh heh (väsynyttä nauruu niiko). Ja sit tulkii migreeni! Ehä siin ko pillerii kitusii, josko huomen sit se loppu. Siel on viimevuotise kasvuston lisäks melkomoine myyräpopulaatio, päätelle siit mite monta myyräkekkoo sinne on ilmiintynt. Niitä on sit nii lusti tuuppii tasaseks ko kuiva multa pöllyvää silmii, ai että. No, ens kerta on sit jo helpomp. (Ihavvarmaa on.)
Yeah. I took a day off yesterday because I had a migraine. Today Frank and I spent some 3 hours of quality time together and got this part done. And guess what! I got a migraine! Now all that's left is the other side of the road, which, in addition to being hard to mow due to the dried hay growth of last year, has served as a recreational center for moles. A lot of them actually, judging by the mole hills that appeared in just a few weeks. Oh what fun it is to push Frank the Heavy around, flattening the mole hills as we go, puffing up dry soil clouds into my eyes! I try to comfort myself with the thought of next time being much easier. (Yeah, right.)
Frank The Heavy - sounds like a modern Norse God...