Well actually Huawei, 4G wireless router. I ordered it to lower our Internet costs and even though 4G is mostly unavailable, the 3G reception is good and all our gadgets now connect through this device. It has worked very well, as I said, I've watched 8 seasons of Doctor Who from Netflix.

Sen pittää olla lähel ikkunaa jot kentät piisaa, ja mie olin sit tyrkänt sen tuoho kissatyyny pääle mis siis makkaa välil kissatkii. Ei kovi kestävä ratkasu oo se.
The router needs to be close to a window and I had placed it on a pillow which is mostly used by the cats, since it's a warm place near the radiator with a view to the field. This is not a good place for a fragile gadget as any cat owner can testify.

Nii jot virkkasin sille sit tännää tuollase ilmastoijun pussukkaisen. Virtajohole jätin ja reiän.
So I crocheted this pouch today with holes for cooling. And one for the power cord.

Sit pistin sen ikkunanavvauskouku kans roikkumaa. Koukku pittää viel varmistaa pysyväks ja sen lisäks teipata piuha kii karmii, jottei se roiku tuos kissoi kiinnostaval taval. Hyvä tul, tykkään, kelpaa varsi hyväst.
And now the pouch is hanging from a window opener handle (which I'm still going to secure). The power cord will be taped to the window frame, otherwise it's too attractive to the cats. But all in all I am happy with the result.
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