Käytii kävelemäs oikei pitkä kaava mukkaa. Jotkut männiit eel ja niil ol niiko kiire.
Went dogwalking for kilometres. Some went ahead, they were busy, they said.

Meil on viel lunta.
We still have snow.

Tiel on kova liikenne.
There's a lot of traffic on this road.

Sinnepäimännes nähtii mustarastas, hää meitä saattel ja laulel meile ommii juttujaa.
On the way we saw a blackbird. He followed us and sang to us the song of his people.

Tulomatkal sit punakylkrastas (korjatkaa tok jos bongasin vääri) kaivel pesätarpeita nii tohkeissaa jot päästi meijät pari metri päähä.
On the way back a redwing was so busy selecting materials for the nest that he flew away only when we were about two meters away.

Jääl ol kävelt jokkuu.
Someone had made a path on the ice.

Se on jännä tuo hohto mikä jääs on tähä aikaa vuuvest.
The shimmer of the ice at this time of year is quite amazing.

Isomma vee jääle ol noust jo ves. Kumisaappaihe paikka.
Water had already risen on the lake ice. No going without rubber boots.

Ulkoilles tulloo nälkä. Miul ol pakkases vähä falafelmassaa.
Walking made me hungry. I had some falafel mix in the freezer.

Tein falafelii, söin falafelii, nyt ei oo falafelii.
Made falafel, ate falafel, falafel is no more.

Kamut lahjoit. Kamut on aika ihkui. Muumilasi toiselt ja toine laitto sit Gandalfpaijan, Taidevandaalikassin sekä omatekemii helmilöi. Ai mahoto! Vandaaliloist tää Lissu on olt miu suosikki alust lähtei, tykkään myös kovast tuosta alnäkyväst Kullervost. Tän kassi kans myö männää paikkoloihi, iha mihi vaa se pääsöö miu mukkaa.
Got gifts from friends. Friends are awesome. The other sent me a Moomin glass, the other package contained a Gandalf t-shirt, an art vandals bag* and some beads she's made herself. Thrilled!!
*art vandals is a comedy page on Facebook, they take a painting and create a saying to go with it. My favourite is this, which says "If you play Nothing Else Matters once more, Lizzy, I'll throw you and that f*cking mandoline overboard." I also highly enjoy this one, in which the Kalevala antihero Kullervo is trying to find a strong 3G signal, as promised by his mobile operator. These images became so popular they set up a shop and business is good. I will take my bag EVERYWHERE!
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