Toi miu kamu täyttää tänää 11 vuotta. Yhes on ryynätty aika monta mehtää ja suota ja kallioo, oltu hirvijahis, kuulosteltu karhuu lähimehtäs, kaikelaista. Nii jot juhla kunniaks tein tännää porkkanakakkuu, samal uunil sit parit valkosipulperunat ja täks päiväks veneperunoi ja lihapullii ja kaurakeksii. Nyt on synttärsankar kakutettu ja kuorsaa.
This buddy of mine has her 11th birthday today. We've been together in the woods and rocks and swamps, we've hunted elk, listened really hard when a bear was nearby - all sorts of woodsy things. So to celebrate I made a carrot cake today. Since the oven was hot, I made some potato casseroles too, as well as baked potatoes and meat balls and oatmeal cookies. The birthday girl has now had her treats and is snoring loudly.
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