Mie oon mitant verepainetta viimoset 2 kuukautta vissikii ja koholha ne on, ei maha mittää. Sain sit siihe lääkkeet. Se on tuo oikeepuoleine paketti. Sit aittelin jot hitto, alotan nuo kuitekii vast huomen, nii jot vappaapäivä kunniaks salmiakkii. Elän vaarallisest!
I've been monitoring my blood pressure for about 2 months now, two times a day. Today I went to see the doctor and got beta blockers (the white box on the right). And since liquorice and especially salmiakki (the strong, salty liquorice that Finns appreciate and love and others mostly loathe) raises the blood pressure, I haven't had either in months. Therefore I decided to take a day off and have some. Yeah, danger is my middle name.

Olkii sit sellane syysmyräkäntapane tännää. Lämmi ol, kerra sato ja kunnol satokii, tuuloo, mut nyt illal ol jo iha mukava ilma koiralenkil. Jos mehtä kuivaa, lähen kahtomaa tattiloi viikonloppun jossai kohtaa.
Today it was windy, warm and there was a heavy shower once. Looks like it's going to be a dark and stormy night. Hopefully the woods dry up soon, I'm hoping to go and hunt boletes during the weekend.
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